Currently San Diego is the most expensive city in the U.S. We live in a beautiful city, but we are being buried in taxes which is causing the most burden for the working class and middle class San Diegans. With my experience in the finance world, I will not only oppose tax increases, but I will find ways to help San Diegans save on their tax burden.
As an entrepreneur, I know the importance of having opportunities for people to feed themselves and their families. With my experience in business, I will fight to lower taxes for small business owners to help promote job growth and I will champion initiatives to support entrepreneurs looking to start their business. We need more value-driven and ambitious individuals to step up and start living their American Dream.
Growing up in poverty, I saw the dangers of violence first hand. My cousin was victim to gun violence as well as close friends I grew up with. Sadly, our government would rather punish law abiding citizens rather than enact harsher laws for people who use their guns for violence. I will fight for our rights to protect our homes and families as well as enact harsh laws for people who abuse their rights.
The children are my main focus and the reason why I am running. Our children are being attacked from all directions. From education, the economy, entertainment, the environment, to their own personal safety, our children are the future and protecting them ensures the longevity of our country. Most politicians are not talking about the children, but I promise that when I am elected, protecting the children will be my number one focus.
We have one of the best coastlines in the world and it is worth fighting for. Our environment is something that we must take serious because this is the only planet we have. Climate change is real, and it’s up to us to do something about it for our children. When elected, I will work tirelessly to protect and preserve beach access, build new walking and biking paths, proper garbage disposal, find better ways to conserve our water, and ensure that all new developments are compatible with our neighborhoods. As your State Assembly member, I will collaborate with the best minds to protect our coastline while investing in renewable energy technologies to keep our air and water clean.
When I get elected, I will work hard every day to deliver results for my district. Thriving local businesses are the backbone of our country. As a small business owner myself, I know how important local government is for business success. Thriving Small businesses hire employees which helps the economy. Once elected, I will support the growth and training of the workforce to make them more valuable. As an entrepreneur, I believe in providing value and I will ensure that this company rewards those looking to provide value to their community.
We cannot have a strong democracy without transparency and accountability. As your State Assembly member, I will support policies that increase transparency, inclusion and give our community an effective voice in the civic process. I am committed to ensuring that my constituents are on the same page and understand what is happening with out tax dollars.
As our State Assembly member, I will support policies that empower and protect our most vulnerable residents. It is not right now let people die on the street, but at the same time, people should not have to live with dangerous and unsanitary camps outside of their homes. I grew up very poor and I know what it is like to have nothing. I also know what it takes to break the cycle and live a more fulfilling life. I am committed to reducing homelessness by treating the root causes of the crisis, addressing mental health and food insecurity. I will work to ensure that California’s low-income seniors and families have access to the services and support they need.
As a first in my family to graduate college, I understand the importance of education. I also understand the barriers that have prevented many aspirational students from pursuing higher education. Education saved my life and I will always be an advocate to educate our youth so they can live to their full potential. I am committed to fully funding our neighborhood schools and expanding access to after school programs. I also support making community college tuition free because there is no downside to helping our country get smarter. When elected I will find new ways to reduce the financial barriers that prevent students from attending college.
San Diego is one of the largest military communities in California and I consider it an honor to advocate on behalf of our active duty troops and veterans. My father and cousins are in the military and I truly believe that our armed forces are what protect and preserve our freedom. When elected, I will work on policies that support veterans and our military families, including streamlining integration of state and military bureaucracy, training for post-service jobs in our region and ensuring our veterans get the mental health care they need when transitioning into civilian life.
When elected in the State Assembly, I will work hard to strengthen our communities by working with firefighters and aw enforcement to keep our families and neighborhoods safe, and ensuring first responders have the tools, training, and technology that they need to perform their job effectively.
One of the most important attributes of leadership is being a great listener. Once elected, I will host monthly town hall meetings and have available office hours every month in every city for my constituents. I will ensure that everyone has the chance to voice their concerns to someone they know will have their back.